Acrylic painting on panel by Juanita Bellavance
Acylic painting on panel by Juanita Bellavance

Unexpected Ground Cover 4, From the 25 Days of Minis Portfolio 2023, Acrylic on panel, 8 x 8 x 1.5 inches

Regular price $225.00
Sale price $225.00 Regular price
Product description

This piece brings to life the playful tug-of-war between two seasons. Step closer, feel the chill and witness nature's resilience firsthand.

Just when we thought spring was settling in, we woke up to a surprise snowfall. Trees that had just started to get their green leaves were now dotted with snow. And those early flowers? They were peeking out from a white blanket. It felt like winter wanted one last hurrah before letting spring take over. The neighborhood kids didn't seem to mind – they got one more chance to play in the snow.

But you could tell that underneath the snow, the plants and flowers were itching to get back to their springtime growth. It's like nature hit the pause button for a moment, but you knew it wouldn't be long before the snow melted and everything went back to blossoming.

Seize the chance to own this unique moment in time, where winter winks and spring beckons. Don't let this transient beauty slip away; add it to your collection today.

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